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A woman gives birth to a baby girl after giving birth due to fear of thieves breaking into the house.

 "I'm still scared to think anyone was in my house because I spend most of my time alone at home with my two children," she says.

A pregnant woman has given birth to a baby girl due to fear of labor pains after a burglar broke into the house.


Stephanie Gaddis, a 31-year-old Scottish woman, describes how she went through labor in fear of thieves breaking into her home in the middle of the night.


She said she was terrified when thieves broke into her house in the middle of the night and felt pain when she was upstairs in her bedroom. Her husband rushed her to the hospital and a few hours later she gave birth to her daughter in the hospital.


However, thieves stole her husband's car from her home.

Gaddis said thieves broke into his home in Edinburgh through a back door that was unlocked.

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